Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I am expecting our next baby! I'm pretty sure all three of you who read this have already heard this news on Facebook or something. But just in case, just in case I have some followers I don't know about it, I thought it only fair to share the news here.

Check out the video my husband and I made to announce our happy news.


  1. I read them too!! Well, when you write something ;) But, I have no room to talk, b/c I started a blog and haven't written but once... sigh... We've talked about coming your way for our anniversary weekend, July 16th-18th... will you be in town? Let me know, you guys are our main motivation for going there, but it's not a for sure yet. Love ya!

  2. I just wanted you to know that you have more than three readers! I watched the video from Serenity's link on FB and it is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen in my life! Congratulations!

  3. It is Oscar-worthy in my unbiased opinion.

  4. Looks like you have more than three followers ;) So excited that I might actually get to see your pregnant belly this time! hee hee
